Day 152

JANUARY 29, 2020


A city tour confirms our original impression - much of this place is really an assemblage of tiny, snug villages that grew into a city. A comfortable sort of city, one worth a good visit. Parks and trails everywhere. Clean and tidy. The citizens have a healthy mind-set and a respect for nature. "Tramping" (the recreational activity of going for long-distance walks in rough country) is popular.  

After lunch we found ourselves at Sea Life Aquarium - penguins in a snow grotto and swimming pool, sharks, rays, ocean turtles, four-pound crayfish, sea creatures of all descriptions - a worthwhile show.


Next stop - Skytower. On a clear day, from the skydeck at the 60th level, you can almost see Australia (LOL). 
Well, at least you can see the Viking Sun at dock (just to the right of the ANZ sign). The 360 degree view is stunning - Auckland is massive.

Tomorrow I go to Hobbiton - wooohoooo!

LOTR - Enya wrote and sings "May it Be":


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