Day 126

JANUARY 4, 2020


This photo doesn't tell half the story. In almost every direction I looked from the Viking Sun this morning I saw piles of cargo containers, part of the 10 million containers that pass through these docks each year. Very impressive.

How much fuel does the Viking Sun need for its next seven day crossing of the Pacific Ocean? Apparently it needs a whole barge load to fill its fuel tanks before reaching the Marquesas in French Polynesia.

After breakfast we found that Karen's 3-year old Dell laptop wouldn't start - seems the motherboard packed it in. So, instead of being on a four hour excursion seeing the highlights of Los Angeles, we taxied to Office Depot to buy a replacement. No problem.

Today was turnover day, the end of the line for those whose final destination was Los Angeles. Most passengers disembarked for good leaving only the 55 World-cruisers on board. Within a couple hours 850 new passengers replaced those leaving, about half of whom will stay on until London.

Our son Graham and his inamorata, Misty, who are vacationing at our abode in nearby Palm Springs, joined us on the ship for a welcome visit, a tour of the ship, a tasty meal and to haul a lot of our excess stuff back to Victoria. 

In his inimitable way Hans Zimmer has a knack of transforming a few notes into beautiful and haunting music - pure genius. This the case with his composition "Tennessee" from the movie Pearl Harbor:


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