Day 143

JANUARY 21, 2020


Today is Tuesday - but I'm not permitted to tell you what happens.

Having missed out on Rarotonga, Captain Olav (what an angel!) put his foot to the metal is steaming us to Tonga so we can enjoy one and a half two days on this island.

But wait! Arriving here could be a disappointment according to news reports.

No way. The weather was perfect, the storm dumped a lot of rain a couple of days ago but only did modest damage. So this afternoon all shipmates were invited to bus over to the beach at Liku'Alofa Beach Resort. Not the best of beaches and not the best of snorkeling spots. We only stayed about an hour.

Later though, we were entertained by the Tonga Falaovi Group performing local dances by male and female dance troupes:

The dancing, coupled with a banana daiquiri, was a pleasant way to end the day.

Sarah McLachlan plays "Angel".


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