Day 145

JANUARY 23, 2020


Upon checking my computer's calendar I see that today is still January 22nd although on the West Coast it is approaching the 23rd. We are 4 hours west (earlier in the day) of Victoria. That's because we "lost" a day when we crossed the International Date Line. Chronologically, today is the 145th day of the trip. Gee, only 100 to go.

After cocktails, accompanied by piano savant Resident Pianist Andras, we are off to .....

dinner tonight with Michael and Beverly, our bridge and knitting instructors, by special Invitation of General Manager Karl and Activities Manager Bevan in the private dining room of Manfredi's Restaurant. 

Then we sauntered to the Star Theatre to hear Sharon Calabro's tribute to the music of Karen Carpenter. Excellent.

Then to bed.
Speaking of beautiful music, Rachel Portman won an Academy Award for her music in the movie, "Emma".


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