Day 149

JANUARY 26, 2020 (Adjusted for Date Line)


Because our ship's crossing of the Date Line has created confusion, at least in my mind, I choose to be on the same page (date) as you.

Back to baggo for a second. This morning there was the normal baggo contest in the Atrium (the guests beat the senior staff........again).

But wait! Today was special. This is General Manager Karl's birthday and in two days he leaves the Viking Sun for his scheduled holidays. So, of course..........

hundreds of staff and guests crammed the Atrium to celebrate and have a slice of Karl's birthday cake.

Dinner with Juliette Primrose one day and watching her perform on stage the next, what a treat. She was absolutely fabulous and that is no exaggeration. 

We all recognize Ennio Morricone's musical genius from his western movies. Here is a brief story and a tune you might not be familiar with - "Malena" . Watch:


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