Day 97

DECEMBER 6, 2019


Woke up early for a 7:00 AM departure to a seven and a half hour excursion to Emerald Lake, Petrohue Falls and the German-settled town of Puerto Varas. Went to the Star Theatre with everyone else to await tendering instructions. Instead, Captain Lars announced that due to weather conditions all excursions were cancelled. Widespread disappointment. Swells were unexpectedly large which destabilized the tenders and caused the ship's anchor to drag.

Fortunately, the Viking Sun has good WIFI. So, on sea days, as today has become, I have plenty of time to stumble around the internet seeing and hearing many new and unexpected things. Today I ran across a TED talk that stunned me. It challenged some firmly held beliefs. It was a revelation.
What is your impression? 

As we move along the overcast sea is peppered thickly with floats that indicate there are plenty of traps below to capture crustaceans. Fish farms are evident too. From a distance the surrounding landscape looks cleared and organized for agriculture - looks just like Vancouver Island.

Now that we are in the Andean mood, let's listen to Viento de los Andes (Wind of the Andes) playing "Pueblo Lejano" (Distant Village).


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