Day 107

DECEMBER 16, 2019


I can't help looking back at Chile with mixed emotions. Patagonia and the Atacama Desert were definitely impressive landscapes and will be long remembered. The flip side is the unease we feel about what is happening to that country. The Santiago protesters are doing major damage to the economy, not just in Santiago but the effects are being felt in every city and town. The damage is hurting thousands of innocent people in all walks of life, not just the merchants who have had their businesses destroyed. How can that be justified? And political graffiti has become universal. Ugly! All that aside, there is litter and real garbage piles everywhere - in the countryside, along the highways, in town streets, in any open space. What does that say about civic pride? Where I come from we believe that people who live in filth, think filth. A great philosopher once said, "Smart is, as smart does".

Chile is in crisis. Rwanda was in a genocide crisis not that long ago, and you should see it now - the cleanest, friendliest place in Africa. Does Chile have the wherewithal to turn itself around? Time will tell.

That rant might have been prompted by today's stop in Peru. The dock area is a gem - spacious, superbly organized, new equipment and litter-free. It makes you feel good just to see it. 

El Chaco, the closest town, is on the other side of the bay (about 25 miles), confirms the positive impression left by the port. Friendly folks doing business without any hassle.

So this afternoon it was time for eight of us to undertake big dune buggy action at AdrenArena. Sorry, the videos are far too scary for public consumption.

Incidentally, on the way to AdrenArena I discovered what the locals here do with their garbage. They dump it into the ditches along both sides of the highways and then spread gravel over the garbage (although some of it does peek through). Hmmmmm.

You've heard CUSCO before and you will definitely enjoy their music here - they are that worthy. This time it's "Dream Catcher".

Karen and I are going to Machu Picchu early tomorrow morning, returning in three days. The blog returns then, too.


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