Day 116

DECEMBER 25, 2019


Our true Christmas story:

When she was eight years old, our granddaughter Kendra was affable, even gregarious. She certainly was not shy - she would sing and/or dance unbidden at any gathering of her own or her parents’ friends. Did I tell you that she has a clear and very loud voice that could fill a stadium - perhaps destiny would take her to the theatrical stage. And Kendra was not shy with strangers despite her parents’ cautions; she especially liked to chat with older folks at banks. But this is not a story about old folks or banks (that's another story altogether), this takes place on a sidewalk in downtown Victoria.

One evening, after exiting the National Geographic IMAX theatre we all strolled down the block towards our parked car. Part way there, we came upon a couple of policemen; one officer was standing and talking into his shoulder while the other was kneeling on the back of a prone and handcuffed suspect. As we passed them, Kendra, in her inimitable way, said, “Merry Christmas mister policeman, Merry Christmas mister bad guy.”

I'm not a big fan of gifts on designated days like Christmas, birthdays and anniversaries. I believe that an unexpected gift to someone at any time of year has far more meaning. However, today is special as the Christmas date is close to Karen and my 49.5th anniversary. 

So, Karen, this is my Christmas gift to you - with feeling!

"In this life" by Hawaii's Isreal Kamakawowo'ole


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