Day 109

DECEMBER 18, 2019


We toured the salt fields in the Sacred Valley of the Incas near Maras. This is one of the five places on the planet where pink salt is produced by evaporation.

Naturally, you could buy pink salt (among other souvenirs) in any quantity you wanted. 

Moving on, we stopped at the Misminay community of 100 where we were instructed in local lore and we also participated in making a condiment sauce by grinding a dozen ingredients using rock rockers on rock tables. The sauce was for the barbecued guinea pig bits we ate. Guinea pig is a popular meal throughout this region - but boney, like rabbit.
Karen and I each received an Inca wrist lanyard as a goodbye present.


After an amazing six course outdoor lunch at Huaypo Lagoon our group bussed to the Chinchero weaving centre. There we learned the intricacies associated with making alpaca products - far more complicated than I realized. 

Who wants more Andean music? Okay then, here is Viento de los Andes with "Capishca".


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