Day 101

DECEMBER 10, 2019


Although our overnight excursion to a couple of wineries was cancelled because we were the only two people to sign up, we still enjoyed a day trip to Vina Mar winery in the nearby Casablanca Valley. Fancy shmancy.

Because the seasons are reversed down here, harvest begins in late February. And I learned something else - if you want to know where north is, point at the sun around noon time - we're in the Southern Hemisphere after all.

This evening we were treated to a musical performance by pianist/ magician Garin Bader. Garin has won 13 international competitions and is the most accomplished pianist I have ever seen - mind boggling! He is also an accomplished magician - where does he get the time?

Tomorrow Karen and I are taking a three day side-trip into the Atacama Desert. So, no blogs for a couple of days....but plenty of chatter on our return.

I will give you a break from Andean music for a while. We are going to Ireland where Enya will tell us about a certain "Wild Child".
When you watch a video like that you realize how truly fortunate we are to be living in this age of advancing technology. And the internet is chock a block full of this type of wondrousness. Treat yourself.


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