Day 117

DECEMBER 26, 2019


Viking Sun docked at Puerto Quetzel but our actual destination was Antigua, a town of 50,000 about two hours by bus from the ship. At one end of Antigua is Water Volcano and at the other end of town is Acatenago a rare twin volcano side by side. Unluckily for Antigua, it sits where two tectonic plates meet with the result that volcanic eruptions and especially earthquakes occur more often than just about anywhere else.  

Image result for antigua agua volcano

Turns out there were plenty of tourists in Antigua that day. Central Plaza was overrun.

There were marketplaces burgeoning with stalls full of similar goods. And every vendor trying to get your attention as you walked wearily past in a daze. 

Image result for antigua guatemala mercado photos

Have you heard of the butterfly effect? You know, the one where a butterfly flapping its wings in Japan can begin a compounding process that eventually results in a hurricane in the Caribbean. Well, that thought ran through my mind as I was sitting on a bench beside a woman who ordered a shoe shine from a little kid maybe seven or eight, really tiny, who carried his stool, polish and rags. As he was shining and smartly snapping his rag, his friend, maybe a year older and also a shiner of shoes, showed up and waited behind him. I made eye contact with this new lad. The lady stood up and paid for the service. While that was happening I had retrieved my wallet and taken out two five dollar bills. The second kid noticed the money and his eyes widened. When the first boy looked my way I handed each of them a five dollar bill knowing that amount was about what they might earn in a week. There was no fuss other than a simple "gracias" from each and they left. I wondered curiously what that unexpected gift from a stranger truly meant to them and whether in the long term scheme of things it made any difference in their lives. 

Have you ever heard Arlo Guthrie's "City of New Orleans"? It is probably THE classic railroad song. Listen....


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