Day 100

DECEMBER 9, 2019


Karen and I shouldn't be here right now. We had signed up for a two-day excursion to a couple of wine estates in the San Antonio and Rosario Valleys. A few days ago we were notified that this particular excursion was cancelled due to lack of interest - we were the only persons who had signed up. Rats!

Actually we never got to Santiago either, that would involve a nine hour jaunt mostly spent on a bus to Santiago, a hundred miles away - not for me, been there done that. Instead, we spent this morning at the dentist office as Karen had an abscessed wisdom tooth - just another adventure. Joining us in the taxi were two of the ship's engineers who also needed dental attention courtesy of Viking, the good employer.

Although it is early in the festive season, Viking's chefs have created splendid gingerbread houses for display (and eventual eating, to be sure) in the Atrium. 

What would you think about an Andean tune with an American flavour? You know this one.


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