Day 30

September 29, 2019


What a treat! We awoke to a perfect sunny day. After breakfast a walk through and around  this wooded area was irresistible. It evoked pleasant memories of many similar outings during Ontario autumns many years ago.

Image result for detour signs

Well, if leaving Montreal was a hassle, driving back into town was mayhem. Don't get me started. Who the heck is running this city, anyways?

Returning to the Sun, we find there are now several hundred new passengers aboard. They replace several hundred who departed from the ship in Montreal. From what we hear, most of the new folks are only going to New York. Two weeks appears to be the standard trip size for the majority of people we have met.

This afternoon Karen and I had our third bi-weekly  "emergency event meeting" - that's what fire drills used to be called. On this ship passengers don't have life vests (someone actually called them "personal flotation devices" {lol}) in their rooms, they are all stored on deck near the lifeboats. How sensible!

Tomorrow we are back in Quebec City.


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