Day 14

September 13, 2019


Bergen from the Perspective of Mount Floyen

I stayed up all night to see where the sun went, and then it dawned on me.

At 7:00 AM (we are in an earlier time zone now) after the usual run around the decks with four other passengers, two crew members and the General Manager, followed by a workout at the gym, let the day begin.

What a city! History and modernity side by side. Bergen has around 260 rainy days a year. Today it was rain. sun, rain, sun, rain, hail, sun. Who's in charge here?

Karen and I drove by highway for an hour through about 40 tunnels, due to the ever present impassable mountains, to the Dale of Norway sweater factory. Dale is pronounced doll-uh. They manufacture absolutely the best sweaters, jackets and touques on the market. And with prices to match! Despite the cost pain, we each bought a sweater. Future heirlooms - those sweaters are so valuable we should include them in our Wills.

At 3:15 AM Saturday morning, about 600 passengers will be departing the Viking Sun and  heading to the Bergen airport. Joining the ship that same day will be our friends Stuart and Linda Thompson of Lake Hill Lawnbowling Club in Victoria. Ahoy Maties!

The ship will be in port for the next couple of days. Time to do some sight seeing.


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