Day 54

OCTOBER 23, 2019


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What is more iconic of Puerto Rico than the Fort San Felipe Del Morro Castle?

Sorry to be late with this blog, there is an unspecified internet problem in San Juan, possibly due to three huge ships being in port, and a rumour that security authorities are screening the Net.

Wednesday was a small day. I went snorkeling while Karen tried her hand at shopping. I was more successful. Karen discovered to her chagrin after scouring the local area that there are no white ladies shorts for sale around here.

Meanwhile, I spent eight hours traveling via bus and boat to and from a couple of snorkeling spots where swimming and viewing coral and little fishies was the order of the day. Oh, and there were pina coladas too. The coral was predominantly brown with some grey, except for the fan corals which were pink. The blistering sun was a concern as my skin is still Canadian pale, so lots of sunscreen was de rigueur. Our chosen destination, an uninhabited island, was crowded with a dozen other catamarans besides our own, yet there were no difficulties as the chosen area was wide enough to accommodate us all. The trick was to find tall coral heads that reached within a few feet of the surface - that's where viewing was best. There were about 20 or so different types of fish, some a foot long, mostly smaller but quite colourful. Rate that one a B-. 

The movie in the Star Theatre that night was "Yesterday". A bit of a chick flic, but an interesting story line, well presented, that should satisfy all The Beatles fans.


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