Day 41

October 10, 2019

NEW YORK, NEW YORK (warm and sunny)

At lunch we ran into a couple of our neighbours from Broadmead. We knew they were joining the ship today for the two weeks leg from New York to Puerto Rico, but it came as a surprise to see them so quickly.

In Boston on Oct. 7th I reserved seats for the musical Aladdin on Broadway from StubHub via the Internet. (This is the abbreviated version of what transpired.) The tickets were confirmed for delivery to the Viking Sun at Pier 88 in New York on Oct. 9th. Today, Oct.10th the tickets still had not arrived so we went to StubHub's office at Times Square to get replacements. They refused. After much brow beating we convinced them to accompany us to the New Amsterdam Theater and we got to see the show. It was glittering! Well, the tickets did arrive at the ship at 9:37 PM just a few minutes after we got back from seeing the show. Thanks UPS!

Later. After our first meeting with StubHub at 1:00 PM, we spent time touring the Times Square area. In anticipation of the 7:00 PM show we chose to dine at La Masseria, arriving there at 4:30 although they officially open at 5:00 o'clock. We were the first patrons to enter the expansive but empty restaurant so I asked the Maitre d' jokingly, "Can you squeeze us in?". "No, we are fully booked", he replied. I was dumbfounded. He continued offhandedly, "But would you care to eat at the bar?" So, we ate at the bar as the restaurant filled with the crowd who were going to the two theatres nearby.

Speaking of Times Square, what a great place to people watch! Part of the street has been set aside for street musicians, actors, dancers, magicians, whatever. There is even a grandstand for folks to observe, snack, eat lunch, rest, whatever. One thing that stood out is that the use of ear phones by people passing by is far more common than hand held phones. I suppose that electronic trend will reach Victoria some day.  

Image result for times square new york


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