Day 85

NOVEMBER 24, 2019


The weather has turned foggy and the sea swells have grown to about 3-4 meters. No problem. This afternoon's rain, though, is a little worrisome for tomorrow's excursions at  Ushuaia. However, the weatherman says cloudy with only a small chance of a shower then.

Austral summer is approaching with its promise of warmer times. Unfortunately, we are moving away from the equator faster than the equinox is approaching. So, colder it is!
It seems just a few weeks ago that the length of daylight was 12 hours, from 6:00 AM to before 6:00 PM. Today, sunrise in Usuaia is 5:01 AM and sunset is 9:40 PM, a full sixteen and a half hours. Now that's something that was not expected. We are learning.

Karen and I attended two guest lectures. Often, the topics and the titles of these presentations do not sound particularly appealing. This morning's talk, "Ghost Ship of Grytviken - A True Story of the Long Atlantic Ocean" by historian/author Robb Robinson fell into that category. But how wrong I was! It's the story about a 1906 fish trawler that, during the First World War, sank more ships that either Royal Navy's Dreadnoughts or German U-boats. There is much, much more to this great story. By a superb storyteller.

This evening's chat by geologist Tony Waltham, "A Geologic Journey from Rio to Janelao" is about one of the little-known wonders of the world, an amazing series of gigantic caves in central Brazil. Stunning, beautiful, inviting. Worth a trip.

Since we are on the ocean, Denea's "Flowers of the Sea" feels right:

Late in the day the skies cleared - looks promising for tomorrow.


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