Day 62

OCTOBER 31, 2019 (Happy Halloween)


All things considered, the miles wide Amazon River is quite dull. Hundreds of miles of brown water, green foliage on both shores, virtually no inhabitants, it's a bit like The Twilight Zone. There are huge islands many miles long that we pass without realizing that the islands are even there  - the river is "braided" as they say....somewhere.

Occasionally we see small, very small crafts motoring near the shores and sometimes a village with a few huts, but not often.

Today, being Halloween, Viking has created the following pumpkins for display in the Atrium:

This evening, we had a Halloween Party on the pool deck. Loud? The natives threw curari-tipped spears at the ship as we sailed by.

Today was an even more special day. We crossed the equator. To commemorate our crossing this great divide, Kate Wolf, an honest to goodness real folk singer, the kind we listened to when were younger, will sing us her ear-pleasing tune, "The Great Divide".


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