Day 73

NOVEMBER 12, 2019


Standing by the railing on the 7th deck this morning I watched a seagull called a masked booby as it soared and then spiked into the water for breakfast - small fish and/or squid. It used the updraft of the wind deflected by the ship's port side to aid its flight, seldom needing to flap its wings. Often it flew within eight feet of my hand, a pleasant visit.  

Seagull, Flying, In Flight, Bird

Today, Peter Mawby's lecture was titled, "In the Wake of Giants". In a highly professional fashion he retraced Charles Darwin's voyage on HMS Beagle during his first encounter with the Southern Ocean's wildlife as far as the Falkland Islands. It was more informative and captivating than I expected both in content  and graphics. A top notch lecture! Of course, if you miss it personally, all of Peter's lectures are available on TV in your suite.

We are aware that Renaissance paintings often depicted cherubs playing the lyre. If they had painted God playing a musical instrument, it likely would be the oboe. And possibly Tomaso (no relation) Albinoni had that idea in mind when he composed his Concerto for Oboe in D Minor. The first note played by the oboe in this composition is probably the longest single note in classical music. Listen.....


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