Day 70

NOVEMBER 8, 2019


With Recife no longer a pit stop, the Viking Sun is in the midst of a five-day cruise in warm, calm seas. No problem. Karen and I relish sea days. As an avid knitter. Karen is learning new knitting techniques and stitches to expand her skills. She is also a nascent mahjong player on sea days. Me, I take bridge lessons in the morning and play duplicate bridge in the afternoons. Aside from that, my security investments and the daily blog are dutifully undertaken.

Speaking of duplicate bridge, here is a photo of our group at play in the multi-use Chef's Table Restaurant:

As mentioned previously, the movies have produced some of the most memorable music. For this musical interlude, get yourself a snifter of your favourite liqueur, find a quiet corner of the house, park yourself in your lazyboy chair, put on the headphones and then listen. The prolific Englishman, John Barry, composed music from Midnight Cowboy and Born Free to Dances with Wolves and Out of Africa - taking in 11 James Bond films along the way. He is a five-times Oscar winner. Here is the theme music from "Somewhere in Time".


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