Day 182

FEBRUARY 28, 2020


We all recognize that life is an adventure - there will be surprises. Coronavirus is an unexpected development and this voyage has already made adjustments. Further adjustments are possible, even likely, during the two months remaining on Viking's World Cruise. 

At a time when authorities must be "seen to be doing something" about the chances of a pandemic, fear can provoke overreaction and more surprises. Karen and I have taken a cautionary attitude about how matters could evolve. We believe this is prudent. Consequently, we have decided to defer the remainder of this voyage to a later date.   

With that in mind, a fitting tune is Sophie Zelmani's "Going Home".


  1. Hey John,
    What a shame it is for you two.
    It is hard to understand and know what is really going on now regarding Covid 19.
    Molly and I had planned an African Safari trip with another couple and now considering cancelling it. Although it is not until the first week of May, the spread of the flu might be in many more countries....who knows!
    Take care,

  2. Probably a wise decision. Welcome home. Stay well.


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