Day 171

FEBRUARY 17, 2020

NOUMEA, NEW CALEDONIA (a French protectorate)

If you have any preconceived notion that South Sea islands are tropical paradises full of palm trees and scented breezes, peopled by grass-skirted natives - fuggedaboudit! 

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Noumea (pop. 280,000) is representative - modern, busy, efficient and expanding rapidly (did I forget to say pricey?).

New Caledonia has the second largest lagoon in the world, 24,000 square kilometers. The entire island is surrounded by a lagoon that comes right to the shore, unlike Australia's Great Barrier Reef that is offshore, sometimes as far away as 30 km. I chose Duck Island for my adventure which required a water taxi to reach.

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There were plenty of fish and live coral to make the viewing worthwhile but it was evident that bleaching of the coral is taking place.
Tonight's dinner featured T-bone steaks that were 1.5 inches thick and 10 inches across. And these were prepared for a bunch of oldies who were intimidated by the very size of them. Karen and I passed.

You have already been treated to a tune by the musical group by the name of 2002. Here's another number from this ensemble titled "Elysian Fields".


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