Day 174

FEBRUARY 20, 2020


We are now in warmer climes and hundreds of miles from land, yet we are visited by dozens of Red-footed boobys (as opposed to the Blue-footed boobys) that fly mostly around the front end of the ship. But all that flapping is tiring so, naturally, they need a rest.

And we all know what that means.

But not all our visitors leave presents. This Flying Fish, for example.

You might remember that while walking one morning in November I found two dead ones lying on the 2nd deck which is about 20 feet above the water.

Today's lunch feature - chicken and shrimp fajitas. Very popular, but not as good as at Rubios in Palm Springs.

Continuing with our focus on Canadiana, you might remember earlier in the trip, new age tune "New Day" by British Columbia-based Mythos. This time we hear "Dreams of Jade".


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